izr. prof. dr. Marko Gosak
Visokošolski sodelavec
- Oddelek za fiziko, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko UM
- marko.gosak@um.si
- +386 (0)2 2293 893
- Šifra raziskovalca
- 28405
Pretekla sodelovanja s podjetji na področju digitalizacije
- ArmBeep
Znanstvene objave
- Grubelnik V., Markovič R., Lipovšek S., Leitinger G., Gosak M., Dolenšek J., Valladolid-Acebes I., Berggren P., Stožer A., Perc M. in Mahrl M. (2020): Modelling of dysregulated glucagon secretion in type 2 diabetes by considering mitochondrial alterations in pancreatic α-cells.
- Markovič R., Gosak M., Grubelnik V., Marhl M. in Virtič P. (2019): Data-driven classification of residential energy consumption patterns by means of functional connectivity networks.
- Markovič R., Gosak M., Grubelnik V., Marhl M., Perc M. in Grubelnik V. (2019): Applying network theory to fables: complexity in Slovene belles-lettres for different age groups.
- Stožer A., Gosak M., Dolenšek J., Perc M., Marhl M., Rupnik M. S. in Korošak D. (2013): Functional connectivity in islets of Langerhans from mouse pancreas tissue slices.
Vas zanima sodelovanje?
Izpolnite obrazec in povezali vas bomo.